Like most machines, HVAC systems need to be properly maintained to stay at peak performance and efficiency. Here are three key benefits to investing in annual maintenance for your air conditioner or heat pump.

Prevent Future Repairs

As impressive as modern HVAC systems are, they don’t fix themselves. Small problems left unaddressed can turn into much bigger issues that require significant repairs or even system replacement. When you invest in an annual maintenance agreement, we’ll thoroughly inspect your system for any of those small problems and repair them before they can turn into bigger issues down the road. In most cases, the cost of the prevented repairs is far higher than the cost of maintenance.

Improve Energy Efficiency

A well-maintained HVAC system is an efficient system. When we maintain your HVAC systems, we’ll address any problems that could be affecting energy usage and make small calibration adjustments to maximize overall efficiency. You’ll see a difference in your utility bills every month you’re running your air conditioner, and in Arizona, that’s most of the year.

Extend System Lifespan

Air conditioners are built to last 10 to 15 years, but to get the maximum usage out of a given system, you need to maintain it. If you can delay getting a replacement system by a few years, your overall costs are going to be significantly lower, to say nothing of the time and effort you’d have to invest in making an upgrade.

Ultimately, annual HVAC maintenance isn’t just about saving money; it’s about peace of mind. You’ll know what your climate control is going to cost and reduce the likelihood that additional issues will affect your schedule and budget, and you can’t put a price on that. Give Chandler Air a call to learn more about our annual preventative HVAC maintenance services.

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