If you’re noticing that your Gold Canyon, AZ, air conditioner isn’t performing as well as it used to, then you might need to think about replacing it. Here are six signs that reveal it’s time to install a new HVAC system in your home.

1. Not Enough Cold Air

Your air conditioner isn’t performing properly when your home can’t receive enough cold air. You could potentially have a refrigerant leak or compressor problem. If you discover that the cause is going to require expensive repairs, it’s probably time to replace the entire system.

2. Poor Airflow

Do you notice that cold air isn’t reaching certain areas of the house? The problem could be blocked vents or dirty air filters. It’s also possible that the issue stems from compressor damage.

3. Leaks or Moisture Around the AC Unit

Hot Arizona summers will sometimes cause a bit of condensation around the outside condenser. However, you have a problem if excessive moisture is present. Leaking refrigerant poses a threat to the environment and also means there is AC unit damage that must be inspected immediately.

4. Strange Sounds

Banging, grinding, rattling, squealing and other odd noises are obvious signs that you’re in need of AC repair or replacement. There are probably loose parts in the system or a broken belt. If the damage is severe enough, then your best course of action might be replacement.

5. Thermostat Issues

Your HVAC system won’t operate efficiently when the thermostat isn’t working correctly. Scheduling a regular maintenance check is something you should do at least once annually. Your technician might discover that only the thermostat needs replacing at this time.

Have you come to the conclusion that it’s time to look at replacing your central air conditioner? Contact the Chandler Air team. We’ll talk you through all your HVAC system installation options and make sure your family is comfortable throughout the hot Arizona summer months.

Image provided by iStock

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